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LOSE 10 - 20LBs of Body Fat or More!!!

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Satisfied Clients


Pounds Lost


Inches Gone

Here ARE a few RESULTS

After our busy women and moms joined the Healthy Habits Fitness Program..


This will be the most in-depth,

life changing fitness program you've ever invested into, guaranteed.

If you're not completely blown away with the WFOB Healthy Habits Fitness Program, you can cancel before the trial ends without being charged a cent.

Small Call to Action Headline


"... It's been very motivating and very healing. It just has really worked. You look for healthier ways to enjoy the things that you always enjoy."

"... with you as my coach and meeting the other women of this program, like, it almost feels like a family. I feel like I've gained so much."

"... Just do it, like, take the step. You won't regret it. Put your health and happiness as a priority. Once you actually build the habits, it's really not that difficult, and you don't even think about it anymore."

"... It's just so easy. Definitely the program works. It's not difficult. It's easy to follow

"... I lost 27.5 inches and my G.I. doctor released me from his care! "

"... I can't believe how much fat I lost! "

"... I'm happy where I am, I don't want to go down anymore. So I want to flex and look like I'm flexing. I want people to go - Oh look at those muscles! "

"... It all makes sense, and I've gotten past the, I don't want to, I don't have time to, to like, this is important. "

"... I lost 14lbs. The best thing of all, is people kept looking at me in the summer and commenting on how toned I was and asking me how can I get those arms?!! "

"... I have a lot more energy I've noticed. And surprisingly, I don't think about food like I used to. "

Gain clarity, confidence and a clear game plan in place for you to start getting results within the next 7 days.

Small Call t

Access to the Entire WFOB Healthy Habits Fitness for Women Program

Inside the Healthy Habits Fitness Program, you'll be guided step by step through implementing the most powerful and lifechanging systems so you can jumpstart your goals to getting the body you've always desired.

Nothing is missed here. I have included an easy, simple to follow video, immediate access to the WFOB Fitness App and a 24/7 support chat group with like-minded women from across the nation. Start your workouts right away if you'd like or plan your grocery shopping first and save your first workout for Monday! I've got options to fit your busy schedule and tools to get you MOTIVATED and master your mindset.

This will be move valuable than any program you've paid 1000's of dollars for in the past.

Fitness & Nutrition

Access a variety of fun, LIVE or RECORDED Metabolic Boosting Workouts, to burn body fat and skyrocket energy levels and feel AMAZING. Our workouts range from 10 minutes to 45 minutes to fit your busy lifestyle and can be done from the convenience and comfort of your home OR taken with you wherever you go!

Follow our easy to read, color coded nutrition guide and fuel your body with all the right nutrients to maximize results. Choose quick and easy recipes that the whole family will enjoy. Track calories and macros in our fitness app and celebrate as you hit your goals!

No more feeling deprived with our baking guide. Make sweet treats that are so’ll forget they are good for you!

Accountability & Support

Meet WEEKLY in our EMPOWER 1/2 Hour session with our TRIBE of like-minded women who are on the same journey. Plus access our 24/7 TRIBE chat group within our WFOB Fitness App and chat with women across the nation.

Share recipes, wins, challenges, and know that you are not alone! Learn tips and tools from other women that have been there and know how you are feeling.

Join in one of our quarterly TRIBE challenges for extra accountability and “level” up your fitness & nutrition! Win cash prizes, meet weekly, access exclusive “challenge workouts’ and attend a “Virtual Party” at the end of each challenge!

Mindset Mastery

There is nothing more powerful than the messages we tell ourselves. You can have a great exercise and eating program, but if you’re not coached on how to stay consistent, how to build the right habits & routines, and how to create a new perspective, none of it really matters.

There is no point in achieving results if you can’t maintain them. This is not a quick fix program. Our Healthy Habits Fitness Program is a life changing program.

Mastering your mindset is crucial for long term success and starts with creating clarity. Deciding who is the woman you want to be and what it takes to be her and then to start living like that woman!

Access our Clarity Mindset Module (and there are 4 others too) with videos and tools to Master your Mindset for permanent lifestyle change.

Bonus: Private 1:1 Goal Setting Session & Weekly Group Coaching

As a bonus , schedule a private 1:1 Shred Strategy Nutrition Orientation when you begin your program to set clear customized goals, review your nutrition guide, and ask any questions you may have.

There is so much information on the internet it can be confusing and overwhelming. Take this amazing opportunity to be educated by a qualified coach and get step by step guidance of our proven system that works.

Plus your coach will set customized caloric and macronutrient goals with you AND explain what they all mean!

The support doesn’t end there! You'll receive personal messages from your coach 2 to 3 times a week to help you stay on track and remember, every week join in our Empower 1/2 hour session or ask questions 24/7 in the TRIBE chat too!

Here's a Recap of EVERYTHING YOU'LL GET when you join the

Healthy Habits Fitness Program






✔️Private messages from your own coach ($997)​

✔️PRIVATE FB GROUP (Priceless)

✔️​TRIBE CHAT GROUP SUPPORT 24/7 (Priceless)​




Total Value: $11,581

  • Kick yo-yo dieting to the curb and finally be able to achieve results that last a lifetime even if you've tried everything under the sun and nothing seems to work

  • Boost your confidence, energy, and get lean muscle tone without restrictive diets or endless hours on the treadmill

  • Continue eating your favorite foods, enjoying meals out and drinking alcohol while still achieving draw dropping results.

  • Achieve the body you've always desired, get that toned athletic look, increase energy levels

    without starving yourself.


Gain clarity, confidence and a clear game plan in place for you to start getting results within the next 7 days.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I'm interested in joining, what exactly am I getting?

When you join the Healthy Habits Fitness program, you will be given a proven system that has transformed hundreds of busy women and moms lives. This will include EVERYTHING from sustainable and reasonable nutritional programming, metabolic boosting exercise protocols, mindset coaching, our educational membership portal, ongoing support, weekly live coaching calls, and an environment with likeminded busy women and moms who are all on the same journey.

  • How is this different than all the other stuff out there?

Most weight loss programs will give you a cookie-cutter diet that involves giving up the foods you love and sacrificing your life to get in shape. Inside of the Healthy Habits Fitness program, we believe in long term results, which means everything we do is based around enjoyment and sustainability.

  • Is it REALLY free?

Yes, the first 7 days is 100% Free. After that the program is $29 per week and you can CANCEL anytime. No contracts. You can cancel before any billing. Once you sign up, your program will start the first Monday following the date you sign up. We like Mondays and think it's a great day to start!

  • What if it doesn't work?

We understand how many BS weight loss programs are out there, so we don't blame you if you're feeling skeptical. If you follow the program it works. 95% of our ROCKSTARS get RESULTS. No worries, though, if it's not for you, you can cancel anytime. Heads up, the FREE week is only a one time deal.

Who is behind the WFOB Healthy Habits Fitness Program?

Julie here!  I am the founder of the WFOB Healthy Habits Fitness Program. I hold a NASM Certified Personal Trainer Certification and am a NASM Performance Enhancement Specialist. 

I also hold the following NASM certifications: Exercise, Stress, Hormones & Inflammation, Integrated Flexibility Training, Integrated Core Training, Training the Active Female Client Over 40, AB Foundations, Fundamentals of Virtual Coaching and am CPR/AED certified and hold multiple group fitness certifications. 

I have a passion for health and fitness and believe strongly in helping all women integrate health and wellness into their lifestyle through a balance of Fitness, Nutrition & Accountability and Mastering their Mindset.

Overall, my philosophy is to remind clients to give themselves permission to put their health as a priority.

As women, we tend to do a lot of care-taking of everyone in our lives; our children, our spouses, our parents even,

juggling work/life balance.

We often put ourselves very last on the list.

Prioritize your wellness. No one else will do this for you. It's alright to take care of you. This will allow you to have more energy, improve mood, and feel amazing! Don't obsess. Focus on being comfortable within your body. Eat healthy, exercise, enjoy your family and friends.

Be present. Find balance. Be mindful. It's about progress not perfection. Become 1% better everyday!

JULIE DILEO - Founder of the WFOB Healthy Habits

Fitness Program

WFOB Healthy Habits Fitness Program- JULIE DILEO - All Rights Reserved | Copyright 2024

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All results stated above are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). Any of my strategies and case studies are only estimates of what is possible. There is no assurance you’ll do as well or even close to as well as I have done or other clients. Results are based on many factors including consistency, hard work and effort. We have no way of knowing how well you will do, as we do not know you, your background, or your work ethic etc. Therefore, we do not guarantee or imply that you will get better results or that you will do as well, especially if the techniques are never implemented.

All products and services are for educational and informational purposes only. Use caution and seek the advice of qualified professionals. Check with a doctor or health professional before acting on this or any information and ensure you are within all advertising and legal regulations. If advice concerning legal or related matters is needed, the services of a fully qualified professional should be sought out before any action is taken.

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